CVR-nr.: 42250406
Practical Anatomy & Physiology for Aquatic Bodyworkers
Aquanatomy courses are foundational classes in human anatomy specifically designed for Aquatic Bodyworkers. Our journey is from textbook to bodywork, with time to explore in the pool. We will zoom in to specific anatomical structures and then zoom out again to acknowledge the totality. Aquanatomy is better than an average anatomy course because we consider the effects of gravity, or lack thereof, hydrodynamics, weights and floats, flexibility, mammilian development and the neurological effects of warm water immersion.
In the first course, Floating the Bones, we dive into the deep end with names and functions of the bones, muscles and joints including basic anatomical language. Their relationships to each other and their relationship to the Water is the heart of this class.
The second course, The Fascial System for Aquatic Bodyworkers weaves together the two worlds of fascianating fascia and aquatic bodywork. We will look at the latest in fascial theory, fascial movement and come to a new visual map of how aquatic techniques uniquely promote fascial health.
Both of these courses expand your anatomical literacy so that you can confidently give safe sessions, communicate easily and professionally with clients, colleagues and health care providers and deepen your own proprioception.
Each Aquanatomy course satisfies the Healing Dance Practitioner anatomy & physiology requirement as well as WATSU®
certification when taken through an approved WABA training institute.
Prerequisite: Any introductory WABA/ WATA water class
Together in class, we get to know the bones - the skeletal system that floats within the connective tissue. We look at the bones' interplay at all the joints and learn how they move.
We study the major mscle groups, stretching and mobility and the neuromuscular dynamic in warm water. Lastly,we'll practice "body reading" in water and othe practical mechanics that will elevate your sessions from amateur to pro.
Welcome to Aquanatomy, Floating the Bones.
This introductory anatomy courses is designed specifically for aquatic bodyworkers. The class begins with an introduction to hydrodynamic concepts and a look at how and why bodywork is differnt in the water than it is on land.
This is a hybrid course in that 16 of the 50 hours are self-study hours completed from assignments in an anatomy coloring book.
Topics covered include: Aquatic principles, Floats and weights, Anatomical planes, directions and movements, Identification and palpation of all the bones, Basic physiology of the skeletal system, Joints and how bones articulate with one another, Flexibility and stretching, Respiratory Musculature, Major muscle groups, Basic muscular kinesiology and physiology, Relevant considerations and applications for aquatic bodywork are woven throughout
The last couple of decades have seen dramatic advancements in the field of fascial anatomy. How do we, as aquatic bodyworkers, put this knowledge to practice?
In this course we will
This 50 hour class includes both classroom and pool hours. Techniques learned in the pool will center around applyng touch from a myofascial perspective.
...and more....
We will also learn the fundamental physiology of the
with a view toward how what changes occur with warm water immersion and how the body self regulates and finds equilibrium.